The RCF invites vocational training providers, enterprises, partners, and organisations, to join us for a webinar dedicated to learning and discussing the importance of greening TVET. To join the Webinar on Greening TVET in the Western Balkans, make sure you fill in the registration form HERE.
We will explore the benefits of greening TVET for schools and companies and how to engage in greening, especially in cooperative or dual training arrangements.
Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mertineit, Managing Director, Institute for Sustainable TVET and Management Services, one of the leading experts in the field. His work focuses on TVET for sustainable development and TVET research, as well as on quality management and organization development, particularly in TVET institutions. In addition to his work in Germany, he also has a long experience in international TVET cooperation.
Mrs. Carina Dunker, Director, Green Finance at IPC. Mrs. Carina Dunker has more than 15 years of experience in implementing projects to support the financial sector in meeting its commitments under the Paris Agreement and in identifying companies and projects that are themselves aligned with the Paris Agreement. She has also been involved in the establishment and implementation of training programmes in the renewable energy sector
The Regional Challenge Fund aims to make vocational education and training more relevant to the labor market. As reflected in the Green agenda for the Western Balkan 6, the green transition becomes inevitable for the economies in the region. To be able to respond to this challenge and incorporate sustainability principles, greening TVET has become more relevant than ever before.
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